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In preparation for launching the energetic evaluation, we ask… 

  • that you email a list of the symptoms that you want to handle.
  • state the outcome you desire
  • list medications or supplements that you wish to continue taking 
  • include a recent solo, front-on photo of yourself.
  • Once we have all these things in hand, we will quote you a price for the Energetic Evaluation and Report of findings and confirm the best way for you to send payment. 


Step 1 The Initial Investigation

First, we enter all your symptoms into the database using your own words. Then the energetic evaluation can begin. 

Typically, we first want to know what in your body relates to your symptoms, so we work our way through the database looking for what makes you weak in the presence of your symptoms.  

The database we use is made up of over 5000 entries including standard medical terms for anatomy, physiology, Traditional Chinese diagnostic terms, bodily functions, foods, emotions, relationships, thousands of herbs, supplements, essential oils, and homeopathic remedies and more.

Once we find all the items in the database that relate to your symptoms, we often choose to take the investigation deeper looking for where the item is located in the body or asking what it is caused by…just like we did in the example above where we found the gluten allergen only affected the uterus and was what was interfering with her getting pregnant. LINK TO SAMPLE CASE.

Obtaining the answer to these questions typically offers significant and often dispositive clues as to what is going on in your bodymindspirit. 

Step 2 Level of Impact or Stress   

Next, we want to know The Total System Burden your symptoms and all that relates to them are having on your bodymindspirit.  We have generated an arbitrary scale of 0 to 1000 with 1000 indicating tremendous burden and 0 indicating no burden at all. So, asking your body to tell us the answer to this question helps us understand the level of stress the bodymindspirit is in, and helps to inform smart treatment choices.

Step 3 Looking for Remedies  

Next, we proceed to find remedies which test strong in the presence of all your symptoms and all the items that relate to them. Typically, we are looking for herbs, supplements, or remedies, however, in the case of food allergies, for example, we can develop a list of foods to eat and a list of foods to avoid which go along with the supplements. Additionally, we can ask if other interventions such as psychotherapy, psychical therapy, sound therapy, meditation, diet, exercise, etc. would be useful.

Step 4 The Body’s Top Priority Remedy  

From the list of all the remedies that individually make you strong in the presence of your symptoms and all the items that relate to them, we want to know which one is the body’s top priority.  That is, which remedy will have the most impact, and will offer the best results, as a stand-alone intervention.  

Step 5 What is needed to take the Total System Burden to 0?

In Step 2 we ask the body to tell us the Total System Burden of all your symptoms and all the items related to them.  Now, we want to know what remedy or combination of remedies, which in the presence of all your symptoms and all the items related to them, will take the Total System Burden to 0.  

Asking this question of the autonomic nervous system takes the guesswork out of this decision-making process and offers an empirical finding on which we can authoritatively recommend an individualized treatment plan which will give the body/mind/spirit exactly what it needs to heal the presenting symptoms and their related underlying issues.  

Offering such a comprehensive, wholistic, individualized treatment strategy, based completely on what the body is asking for greatly increases the possibility for the desired result. 

Step 6 The Report of Findings   All of the information gathered in the investigative process is detailed in an easy-to-read Report of Findings.  Additionally, a detailed explanation is offered for each remedy or supplement along with its cost and possible places to purchase it.  Oftentimes, we can get the remedies for you at a discount and have them shipped to your home. We also recommend the exact dose and how often to take the remedies. If a particular diet is recommended, we offer detailed instructions. Also, if life-style changes or therapeutic interventions are part of your treatment plan, we offer details on how to go about implementing these recommendations.

The Unbroken by Rashani Rea
There is a brokenness
out of which comes the unbroken,
a shatteredness
out of which blooms the unshatterable.
There is a sorrow
beyond all grief which leads to joy
and a fragility
out of whose depths emerges strength.

There is a hollow space
too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,
out of whose darkness
we are sanctioned into being.

There is a cry deeper than all sound
whose serrated edges cut the heart
as we break open to the place inside
which is unbreakable and whole,
while learning to sing.

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