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Susan B in Hawaii

Aloha! Checking in. I have felt an increase in energy and joy over the first two weeks with Optimized Folate. It feels like I am in a stellar alignment being in Hawaii during this cleanse. I have had:

  • about 1/5 of the coffee
  • 1/10 of the alcohol
  • let go of flour products

Sleep, especially last night, was much deeper. I woke up fuelled!

I’m moving to matcha with chai and espresso as special—for sunrise walks to the ocean, a date with a friend . . . Started small doses of the full repertoire today.

After 3 weeks on the program

This is the most inspired and easiest lifestyle journey I have experienced.

My energy is up.

Sleep is deeper.

Waking up rested. 

Clear minded.

I’m satiated with fresh vegetables, fruits, and light protein. 

My waistline is shrinking every day.

I’m with you, one wildly successful step at a time!

In our initial assessment, I did not think to share that I barely ever sweat. I get hot when I “workout” and turn brighter pink or red, yet almost never sweat. This week, for the first time in life, I am sweating every day.  What a great sign for detoxification. 🌟

As a result of a healthy diet, effective supplementation, and greater detoxification, I must have a pound of what’s ready to be set free, melting away every day. On Day 20 took my measurements and weight. Sure enough, today, on Day 21 more than a pound POOF!

I’m feeling great.

Cried my eyes out one morning. I let what I was holding onto for a lifetime free!

I feel my life’s purpose more deeply. Watch out world. 

I am going to start working out – mantra, music, qigong, yoga, light weights – with a circle of girlfriends.

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